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Lords Prayer

I have recently been thinking about what it means to pray the Lord’s Prayer.

I find it helpful to start with the Lord’ Prayer, and use it to pray freely around the themes it brings out.

For example.

Modern Lords PrayerWhen I Pray
Our Father in heaven, may your hold name be honoured Heavenly Dad. You are 100% pure and good - may we speak of you with honour and respect
May your kingdom come, may your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. You want a world full of love and forgiveness -- bring it on Lord, and soon.
May earth become like heaven.
Give us today what we really need Please give us each day what we really need -- food for body, mind and spirit.
Save us from the evils of greed, selfishness and spiritual decay.
Forgive us all wrong we have ever done, as we now forgive all the wrong others have done to us. Forgive us when we fall for these things.
Because you promise to forgive us when we ask, we forgive anyone else who has wronged us. -- That's only fair.
Please don't try us out in tough ways, but rescue us from Evil. Please don't test our sincerity in tough ways but protect us from evil.
Your's is the ultimate kingdom, all power and authority are yours, always and forever. Amen. You have the Power to create and destroy, to forgive and condemn, but you love us! You're amazing. You blow our minds. WOW!
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