Did you know there will be no number two’s in heaven? And I don’t mean toilet filling substances.
Imagine a service where the preacher challenges the congregation: “Out of thirty Christians, where do you think you’d be placed? Would you be no.5, no.7 or no.29? Who, of those here, do you think would be no1?” After a pause, the preacher says: “Now tell me your number.” People call out various numbers - 17, 21, 25… .
What do you think your number would be?
Unsurprisingly, no one claims to be number1, nor number 2 - in fact, all are in the lower regions.
“ I have a surprise for you,” says the preacher. “ I am number 1!” and he pauses. Then he points at someone who said a lower number. “ You are number 1 as well,” he says. He continues to point round the congregation, telling each person that they are number 1. “You see,” he explains, “every Christian is number 1. God loves us equally and endlessly, forgives us completely and sees us in the same way that he see Jesus. There are no number two’s in heaven - nor are there here in the church here on earth.” So - if you think or feel you are number 17 - or number 92 - be of good cheer. You are God’s number 1!
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