Hi Anita. Hope you are well and feeling ok today. Please don’t groan - here is another bible bit I thought was relevant to you. ‘I saw a new heaven and a new earth… God living with his people… He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain because these have passed away.’
Only a cosmic God could do this, the creator of the universe - not a god you find within yourself (unless it is God’s Holy Spirit), nor the Earth Goddess (is she the goddess of Mars, too, and of Pluto as well?) Personally, I need to be yielded to someone, a loving person, not an impersonal karma; someone full of justice and truth, open to everyone but who does not force himself on anyone.
There has to be room for people to reject or ignore him or else we are just puppets. Because I trust myself to God, I can trust others to him as well. My best friend from university is a continuing atheist despite these kinds of conversations.
I don’t know if he will get into heaven - he is not what I would describe as a wicked person. I doubt if I will meet Hitler or Saddam Hussein there, although, as it is not my place to judge but God’s, they might be there. Again, I have to trust God. Only someone who knows everything and sees into every heart can and should make that kind of judgement.
However, we know from Jesus, who, as God, died on the cross to remove all our sins, that God is a God of love and mercy and that he will respond to us at any moment - as Jesus did to the thief on the other cross - ’Today you will be with me in paradise.’ Roll on that day! Down here our joy is always mixed with suffering. Some day, it will not be.
God bless, Ian.
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