In a chemistry lesson at school the teacher demonstrated how nylon was made. Nylon is a polymer of two organic molecules that chain up together. One molecule (let’s call it ‘poly’) is water soluble and the other (let’s call it ‘amide’) is oil soluble. The science teacher poured watery ‘poly’ into a beaker and then, very gently, poured oily ‘amide’ on top. Like cream on milk, ‘amide’ floated. ‘Poly’ and ‘amide’ held hands to form a thin membrane. The teacher used a pair of pointed tweezers to take hold of the membrane and pulled it up to the surface - a plastic thread. Then he wrapped the thread around a glass rod. By turning the rod he could create an ever growing thread of nylon which formed a ball on the rod.
Our spiritual lives are a bit like this. We live in a material world (‘poly’) and the spiritual realm is in some way ‘above’ or ‘beyond’ us (‘amide’). It is possible to make fleeting contact with spiritual things but only God, reaching down to us, can provide a healthy, sustained and productive spiritual experience. As he lifts us up to himself, combining our physical and spiritual lives in one complete whole, we become productive and make ‘something beautiful for God’ that will endure into heaven but is also useful – or fruitful - in this world.
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